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Waterside Women

What my clients say

"When I saw a post by Andrea on Facebook it is fair to say I was at a very low ebb, personally and professionally. Andrea’s post literally cried out to me. After arranging a complimentary discovery call. I instantly felt a connection with her and felt like she understood me. I knew I would be able to be open and honest with her as she made me feel safe. I now have self-belief and confidence in myself in a way I have never had before and I love my job again which again is quite a turnaround as I was considering leaving my profession.  Feeling the way I feel now is priceless. I am so thankful to Andrea and the journey we have travelled together. A true professional and ray of sunshine! I would highly recommend Andrea to anyone in need."


- Dental Hygienist, South West 



"Andrea worked with me to help me find solutions to the issues I was having. I found this way of problem solving much more empowering than being told how I should be dealing with everything and it has meant that by the end of our sessions, I not only had my life back on track, I also had coping mechanisms in place for when life throws those inevitable curve balls!"  


- Healthcare professional, Surrey 



"Having experienced a traumatic birth with my first daughter I wanted to prepare myself for the upcoming birth of my second. Her personal and collaborative approach meant I felt listened to and at ease being honest to get the most from our sessions. When the day came, I was able to tap into all of the techniques we'd worked through. The birthing plan had to change last minute, but I felt calm, in control, and was able to adjust.  


I breathed through the birth of my daughter without any interventions or pain relief, and I got the positive experience I wanted and will cherish forever. I still can't quite believe it.


I cannot thank Andrea enough, what we achieved together gave me the chance to have this incredible experience and I now have these techniques to take forward with me in life. I wouldn't hesitate to work with her again or recommend her to anyone that is looking to actually achieve results." 


- HR Consultant & Business Coach, South West 


Are you open to change and ready to accomplish great things?

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